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Please do get in touch to book a therapy session - M: 07840 272 006 

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Sound Healing & Vibration Therapy
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Reiki &
Angelic Reiki
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Shamanic Healing & Shamanic Energy Healing 
90 minutes

The demands of life can sometimes throw our energy field (Aura) and our internal energy system (Chakras and Meridians) out of whack, making us feel unbalanced and ungrounded.


Sound and vibration has been used therapeutically for thousands of years and can help to reset your energy and bring you back into resonance (your body's own natural frequency).


In these sessions I use Shamanic Drum, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Voice and

Tuning Forks. 

90 minutes

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which the Reiki Practitioner acts as a channel for Reiki - the vital life force energy that's all around us.


Everyone experiences Reiki differently but generally you will feel very relaxed and more at ease.


The aim is to allow the Reiki healing energy to stimulate your body's own healing response. Reiki can also be sent without you being present (Distance Reiki) 

90 minutes

Featherstone is Shamanic Energy healing using feathers and stones as tools to clear blockages, to sooth and to shift things we are holding onto that are no longer serving us. 


for deeper healing and clearing of  unconscious troublesome patterns, I offer Soul Retrieval, Extraction, Chord Cutting and Past Life Work - ask me for more information.  This work is more intense and highly effective.


I work intuitively and these sessions are tailored to your own individual needs.



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